Learn How To Write A Sales Page Without Fear: A Simple Guide For Beginners

Let’s be real; writing a great sales page can be one of the most daunting pieces of writing you are asked to create as a copywriter. This page is the main asset used to help convert casual readers into paying customers. An effective sales page is key to a successful transition from a potential customer to a confident buyer.

It’s your job to direct leads to find out what you’re selling, why you’re selling, and why they need to buy it. But not all sales pages are created equal. Everything about your page needs to focus on helping your potential new customer feel like buying your product or service is the right choice. That your product, above all others, will help them achieve their goal.

Creating a conversion sales page takes a clever combination of creativity, focus, and research. By following these 6 simple steps, you will learn how to create a unique sales page that builds trust, converts, and keeps your customers happy.

Happy Writing!

1. Do Your Research.

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Believe it or not, great sales copy doesn’t always start out with writing. First, you need to do a bit of detective work to find a few key pieces of information you’ll need before you even write a single word. Before you can start writing a great sales page that leads to conversion, you need to know:

  • The campaign content – it’s not enough to just know the product you’re selling – as a copywriter, you need the inside scope of information for the entire sales campaign. You need to make sure the piece you’re writing flows cohesively with all the other elements of the campaign.
  • Customer Persona – Not just their name, age, and gender. You need to go deeper into who your target customers really are; their likes and dislikes, pain points, emotions, challenges, personalities, and values and goals. Clarity is key.
  • Unique selling proposition – This should be a conclusive statement that answers the question, “Why should people buy from you over your competition?” It should express what problem your product or service solves and what goal it helps your ideal customer achieve.

2. Write compelling headlines. 

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These are sometimes the shortest pieces of sales copy but often take the longest to write – it might even be a good idea to write or finalize your headline last when you have everything else in place. A few things to remember when writing attention-grabbing headlines:

  • Keep it crisp, concise, catchy, and straight to the point. Remember, less is more. Google recommends 70 characters or fewer for a high-converting headline.
  • Entice curiosity without giving too much away.  Incorporate aspects that are useful, emotional, sensational, and somehow irresistible.
  • Strength in numbers. statistically, odd numbers fewer than 10 or top 10 lists perform better in terms of SEO.
  • Show, don’t tell, by using conductive marketing adjectives

3. Creatively describe your product.

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Start thinking outside the box when for your sales page. A lot of people make the mistake of only highlighting the product’s features rather than the benefits. Features tell people what your product or service is, whereas benefits tell people why they want to buy your product based on the outcomes they will experience.

Using phrases such as  “so you can” can easily highlight your product or service’s benefit while emphasizing the outcome. For example:

“…Batteries included so you can get started in seconds…”

Draw from your USP to create descriptive and unique benefit descriptions. Your visitors care more about what your product or service will do for them than they do about all its fancy attributes. By writing detailed descriptions of your product’s benefits, you’ll have an easier time convincing shoppers to convert and get some SEO ranking benefits in the process.

4. Use the right language.

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When crafting your sales page, the right language lets your readers know you understand them. You want to convey the message that you and your ideal customer’s values are aligned and that your product or service can help them achieve their goal or overcome the challenge they face. You can use techniques such as:

  • Avoid passive voice.
  • Addressing your customer directly, using “you”
  • Making them feel included by using “we”
  • Storytelling that they can relate to and
  • Using power words to convey an emotion

5. Trust builds conversions.

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92% of people only buy from companies they trust, with 79% of consumers going to brands they trust FIRST when shopping for products and services online. Trust factors are one of the most important elements for creating authentic sales pages. You can build trust within your page by giving examples and offering proof of any claims you make. You can do this by:

  • Giving customers peace of mind with a money-back guarantee
  • Highlighting testimonials and showcasing social proof
  • Mention anything that might enhance your reputation or that positions you as an authority. 
  • It’s also vitally important to address and empathize with your customer’s pain points in your sales copy so they believe you can actually help them overcome their challenge or achieve their goal. Try to keep the focus on the core emotions your customer is feeling and explore the more specific issues they might be experiencing.

6. Polish your closing statement and call them to action.

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Don’t Assume

You can’t just assume someone will buy from you just because you’ve laid out the offer and they’ve landed on your page. You have to guide the customer and call them to action to ask for the sale.

Start by polishing your closing statement by telling your new prospect how it will feel after they make the right decision to make that purchase. Use words that will provoke emotion and enthusiasm and create a sense of urgency by taking advantage of FOMO (fear of missing out). Give your audience a compelling reason why they should take the desired action.

Follow this up with a compelling, unique call to action – try to avoid overused CTAs such as “click here” or “sign up” instead, come up with something more relatable to their desired needs, such as “a brighter future starts now”


If you really want to learn how to write a good sales page, then practice, practice, practice!

Here’s a fun exercise to get you started. Find a good sales page that’s already out there and handwrite it out again on paper. Studies show handwriting notes can improve your cognition, memory function, and creativity. Go ahead and re-write each sentence in your own words. Try swiped.co for examples that you can use to practice on.

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